Welcome Sally

Below are the templates, printables, and shareables for you to access and use as needed. Select any of the links below to print individual templates and printables. If you prefer a Word document for easier copy/paste, email learn@internationalgriefinstitute.com.
This content is available exclusively for International Grief Institute certified specialists. Unauthorized use is prohibited.
Below are the templates, printables, and handouts for your support groups. You may also use these as individual handouts for your families. Select any link below to open and print that handout.
For an 8-week program, follow the sessions in your manual.
For a 6-, 10-, 12-week or drop-in program, pick one topic for each meeting, and use any of the handouts below relevant to that topic. To order workbooks for your members, click HERE.
- F01 Support group registration
- F02 Support group sign-in sheet
- F03 Participants list
- F04 Group evaluation sample
- I08 List of support group handouts
- I01 Support Group Session 1 instructions
- H01 Handout: Ground Rules
- H02 Handout: Reconciliation of grief
- H03 Handout: Spiritual Journaling
- H04 Handout: You & I
- H05 Handout: Common feelings
- I02 Support Group Session 2 instructions
- H06 Handout: Please listen
- H07 Handout: Empowerment
- H08 Handout: Please see me through my tears
- H09 Handout: Companions
- I04 Support Group Session 4 instructions
- H11 Handout: Life Quality Inventory
- H12 Handout: Controlling stress with your calm
- I07 Support Group Session 7 instructions
- H16 Handout: What I need
- H17 Handout: As we close
- H18 Handout: What now?
- H19 Handout: Grief work & boundaries
- H20 Handout: The Family meeting
- H21 Handout: Holiday coping skills
- H22 Handout: Marriage after death of a child
- H23 Handout: Panic attacks
- H24 Handout: For facilitators only – Suicide
- H25 Handout: Suicide protocol
- H26 Handout: The Young Widow
- H27 Handout: Reconciliation
- H29 Handout: Grief & medication
Support group workbooks are available for your members, if desired. This eliminates the need for you to copy or print the weekly handouts.
Options include community-based or Christ-based. All the community-based support group contents are already available in your specialist manual. Individual facilitator manuals are also available.
Workbooks are for individual support group members to keep. Most programs ask individual members to pay for their own workbooks, although your program may decide to cover workbook costs at your discretion.
Creating and coordinating a direct mailing and/or phone program are effective ways to support your families, share information, and allow you to tailor your message to their needs. Because of they’re high relevance and targeting, both are cost-effective methods for staying engaged with clients. Use the templates below to get started, and adapt each to your needs.
- M11 Preneed mailing fulfillment schedule
- M01 Preneed letter #1
- M02 Preneed letter #1 insert [checklist]
- M03 Preneed letter #2
- M04 Preneed letter #3
- M06 Family Care Survey
- M07 Tracking labels FRONT
- M08 Tracking labels BACK
- Preneed brochure
- M12 Aftercare mailing fulfillment schedule
- M10 A Funeral Director’s Gift to the Living
- M05 Aftercare letter #1
- M06 Family Care Survey
- M07 Tracking labels FRONT
- M08 Tracking labels BACK
iCare Booklet series and Resilience Rx handouts can be used for additional mailings. Print Resilience Rx from your computer. Order iCare Booklet series here.

Community events offer people an opportunity to come together after loss. It gives them a safe place to express sadness, support one another, create a united setting, and take the first steps forward together. An effective event is coordinated in a fashion that makes it memorable for all the right reasons. An event coordinated by an IGI specialist will provide a higher level of community representation and result in a more powerful ritual of remembrance.
Resilience Rx™ promotes nurturing self-help techniques and positive coping strategies that support you through loss. Click on any link or graphic below to open and print that handout.

Click on any link below to open and read that article or handout.
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Helpful articles and resources authored by top grief educators including national expert Dr. Bob Baugher, Lynda Cheldelin Fell, Linda Findlay, Herb Knoll, and Dave Roberts, L.M.S.W. Click on any link or graphic below to open and read that article.
- Grief emotions
- General loss
- Spousal loss
- Child loss
- Sibling loss
- Grieving men
- Parent loss
- Coping with holidays
- Sleep & dreams
- Therapeutic modalities
- Public reactions
- For supporters
Grief Emotions
- Common feelings
- Controlling stress
- Panic attacks
- Guilt
- Regret and guilt
- Hidden anger
- How to safely process anger
- Dip into denial
- Guilt—it’s what our brain does
- To cry or not to cry
- Anger quotes
- Why can’t I cry?
- Why some of us cry and some of us can’t
General Loss
- Dealing with triggers
- Ending it – sometimes you want to, but don’t
- 6 tricks your brain plays during grief
- Does grief ever really go away? Part 1
- Does grief ever really go away? Part 2
- Grief makes a promise
- Wallowing through muck
- Getting hope back
- How hope changes
- Aren’t you over it?
- The cruel trick of grief
- Do the principles of The Secret apply to grief?
- How memories promote transformation
- Lessons in gratitude
- When I became a photograph
- As we close
- Companions
- Empowerment
- Give joy
- God’s script
- Grief & medication
- Grief work & boundaries
- Life Quality Inventory Checklist
- Photo album of my mind
- Please listen
- Reconciliation of grief
- Reconciliation
- See me through my tears
- Shoulds or should nots
- Spiritual journaling
- The family meeting
- The holidays
- What I need
- What now?
- You and I
- Proxy grief
- Stuffing stuffed animals eases grief
- When Tom left, I cried
- Let’s say goodbye to goodbye
- Keeping memories fresh
- Another day believing I will feel this way forever
- Grief is more than just boo-hooing
- Empathy and brain pain relief
- Grief’s strange thoughts
- How our brain tries to manage the pain of grief
- Pain, how much can you take?
- A pill for your grief
- Trying to make sense of a tragedy
- What does it meal to deal with it?
- What does it mean to fear death & dying?
- Your secret grief
- Everything happens for a reason, doesn’t it?
- Words and phrases we shared with our loved ones
- In the midst of a pandemic
Spousal Loss
- Self care plan for widows
- How women change since the death of their husbands
- Helpful comments from adult children to their widowed mothers
- The young widow
Child loss
- From Despair to Hope
- Do bereaved parents have higher death rates?
- I don’t care how long it’s been, can we talk about my child?
- Should I keep my changing grief a secret?
- 7 important lessons I learned from bereaved parents
- Bereaved parents coping with hatred
- The unexplained death of a child
- For my compassionate friends
- Marriage after death of a child
- The Wailing Tent
- He talked about his son and I didn’t see a tear
Sibling loss
Grieving men
- Men in pain
- Do men really cry less than women?
- 15 things not to say to a bereaved man
- Never dismiss news of someone’s passing
- Grief recovery programs
- Finding new relevance
- Dangers of compound isolation
- Angels walk among us
Parent loss
Coping with the holidays
Sleep & dreams
For supporters

Colors are all around us, and they aren’t meaningless. They play a role in how we feel, and can influence our emotions and how we react. Studies show that coloring is therapeutic for all ages. Further, the repetitive hand movements induce a meditative state and help calm the mind during stress, giving our brain a respite from the emotional pain.
Print any illustration below and use gel pens, crayons, colored pencils, or felt tipped pens to color each picture using whatever colors match your emotions in that moment. Print and repeat anytime you need express your emotions.
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Below are books that may be useful to you and/or your families. Click on the cover to order. Each book in the Grief Diaries series is a collection of answers by people who share the same loss. For a $5 discount, use the code SPECIALIST at checkout. To see all the books in the series, visit Alybluemedia.com.