Welcome iCare support groups

International Grief Institute


  • Write whatever comes to mind without censoring yourself.
  • Keep it honest.
  • Don’t worry about editing, grammar, vocabulary or punctuation. Just put pen to paper to externalize your thoughts, emotions, experiences, or anything you want to vent about.
  • Journal for at least 5 minutes at a time. Set a timer if needed.
  • A journal is for your eyes only. If you keep it confidential, you’re more likely to be brutally honest. Keep it private unless you wish to share it with someone you trust.
  • Consider keeping your journal for the long haul. Revisiting it can help you continue to process your grief, and often becomes an opportunity to recognize how far you’ve come.
  • This is what happened today . . . .
  • I’m experiencing these feelings about it . . . .
  • I’m thinking these thoughts . . . .
  • I’m struggling with this emotion the most right now . . . .
  • I’m most angry at  . . . .
  • I’m most fearful of . . . .
  • I wish others knew this about my journey  . . . .
  • I’m grateful for . .

Below are journal prompts to print and share with your families. Select any link below to open and print as a PDF. If you have any questions or get an 404 error when you click on a document, please email learn@internationalgriefinstitute.com.