Welcome iCare support groups
Below are handouts for both the community-based and Christian-based iCare grief support program to print and share with your iCare grief support group. Select any link below to open and print as a PDF.
If you have any questions or get an 404 error when you click on a document, please email learn@internationalgriefinstitute.com.
- J01 Spiritual journaling
- J02 My loss
- J03 The memorial
- J04 The aftermath
- J05 The belongings
- J06 The transition
- J07 Birthdays & angelversaries
- J08 The holidays
- J09 Our family
- J10 My friends
- J11 The darkness
- J12 My faith
- J13 My health
- J14 The quiet
- J15 My fears
- J16 My comfort
- J17 My silver lining
- J18 My hope
- J19 My journey
- AJ20 letter to my loved one
- A29 A letter to God
Resilience Rx™ promotes nurturing self-help techniques and positive coping strategies that support you through loss. Click on any link or graphic below to open and print that handout.

Colors are all around us, and they aren’t meaningless. They play a role in how we feel, and can influence our emotions and how we react. Studies show that coloring is therapeutic for all ages. Further, the repetitive hand movements induce a meditative state and help calm the mind during stress, giving our brain a respite from the emotional pain.
Print any illustration below and use gel pens, crayons, colored pencils, or felt tipped pens to color each picture using whatever colors match your emotions in that moment. Print and repeat anytime you need express your emotions.
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Below are books that may be useful to you and/or your families. Click on the cover to order. Each book in the Grief Diaries series is a collection of answers by people who share the same loss. Exclusive price for specialists is just $10 each. Shipping based on weight.